M.S. 在运动生理学和性能教练

Carroll University's 运动生理学和表现教练理学硕士 program prepares you for careers in high school, collegiate, 和专业的力量和条件设置. Extensive hands-on experience both in and outside the classroom paired with an innovative curriculum taught by expert faculty prepare you for success in the field.

The program includes two courses that allow you to work directly with the NCAA Division III athletic department at Carroll University. 你还将完成一份宝贵的实习工作, 在你的研究领域有实践经验.

Cameron Kissick

Human Performance Coach

我选择博天堂官方入口登陆登录是因为那里的教师非常受人尊敬. 在内华达大学完成本科学位后, Reno, I wanted to further my education in the field of sport science and strength and conditioning. 我想获得实际的教练经验, 运用以科学为基础的训练原则, 做研究SPPC项目提供了这一切. Additionally, Dr. Timothy Suchomel is well known in the strength and conditioning world and I knew working under him would be an incredible experience.
实习是非常实际的,我学到了很多关于自己作为一个教练. This environment gave me a chance to apply what I was learning in the classroom to the weight room immediately and throughout the year. Another benefit that the practicum gave me was that I was part of the Sport Performance Enhancement Group (SPEG) where the Human Performance Coaches, Athletic Trainers, 和体育主管会一起讨论训练报告, athlete health, weight room needs and areas for improvement to allow our athletes to reach their greatest potential.
SPPC项目也提供了一个独特的经验,我们是其中的一部分 博天堂官方入口登陆登录体育表演学院 … we were essentially the sport scientists for our teams and performed athlete testing and monitoring. 我利用了尽可能多的机会, 其中包括与多个团队合作, 指导各种各样的运动员, 执行运动员测试和监测, communicating with sport coaches, performing research, 在NSCA全国会议上的演讲, 体育科学与教练教育卓越中心(CESSCE)实习, 并在博天堂官方入口登陆登录运动表演学院工作.

SPPC校友Cameron Kissick照片

Graduate Into a High-Demand Career

When you graduate from Carroll’s 运动生理学和表现教练理学硕士 program, 你将为各种各样的职位做好职业准备, including:

  • 力量和体能教练/协调员
  • Performance coach
  • Sport scientist
  • Tactical facilitator
  • Adjunct faculty/instructor
Your advanced degree will prepare you for opportunities in multiple job settings, including:
  • 运动表演训练中心
  • Tactical performance
  • Military research and development
  • 高中,大学和专业的体育项目

Our hands-on curriculum 为您在各种工作环境中从事体育表演的各种职业做好准备. 在实习期间,你将完成至少320小时的实习, giving you valuable, real-world experience.

About the Program

Our M.S. 在运动生理学和性能教练 program prepares you to be a strength and conditioning professional highly qualified to work in high school, 学院/大学或专业设置. 该计划的重点是发展知识, skills and abilities for the comprehensive design and delivery of programs and services to include performance assessment, 人类表现发展和运动表现.

Program Highlights


  • 速成课程为期15个月,每年夏季(5月)开课。.  
  • 传统的选择是每年秋季开始的为期24个月的课程.  
Both options are full time and include exclusive learning opportunities with the chance to collaborate on strength and conditioning research with highly regarded faculty members. In the last semester of the program, 你的学习将在一个全日制实习高中结束, college, 专业或表演中心设置. Faculty collaborate with you, one-on-one, 确定并发展符合你职业目标的实习.


Carroll University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association.
See Accreditation

Program Details

Baylee Techmanski


Choosing Carroll was easy – all of my professors at the time pushed me to learn from the best if I was going to continue my education. 除了一个辉煌的设施, 卡罗尔提供了一个为期15个月的硕士项目,让我不仅获得了学位, but to have the same responsibilities and accountability as a full-time strength and conditioning coach. It was appealing to me because there was the research and deeper knowledge in the course work, 以及实际的教练方面.
The experiences that stand out most to me is the research and having your own teams to coach. The research was new and exciting for me because the science behind the exercise is what makes this field amazing, 这让我成长为一名专业人士. On the other hand, working with my assigned teams as their human performance coach and watching them grow into better athletes is what made this program stand out. 这些课程让我准备好离开卡罗尔,准备进入这个领域. The SPPC program is set up to provide as much involvement as possible, and I did just that.
我目前是一名全职的运动员体能教练, 我可以诚实地说,如果没有卡罗尔的SPPC项目,我就不会有今天的成就. 在博天堂官方入口登陆登录SPPC项目开始的时候, 作为教练,我知道自己的长处和短处, 我只有15个月的时间来做得更好. 在整个课程中,我获得了更多的知识, as a professional I participated in conducting research and learned to communicate with the human performance team, and as a coach I practiced what I was preaching to better understand what I was programming to my athletes.


Connect with Us

Admission Counselor Josh Hurlebaus

Join us for an event! 与教师和研究生入学顾问Josh Hurlebaus一对一交谈.

Graduate Programs Open House

  • 2024年7月24日星期三-下午6点 RSVP Here

Interested but unable to attend? 联系Josh Hurlebaus了解更多信息:
Email - jhurleba@shopping-wonder.com | Call or text - 262-747-2275
Schedule an appointment:  Bookings Link

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Latest Program News

Award presentation: a proud moment as an individual is recognized for their excellence in strength and conditioning research, 在学术活动中获得有声望的奖项.

卡罗尔教授获得NSCA 2023年力量和调节杂志优秀奖


国家力量和体能协会(NSCA)选择了Dr. Tim Suchomel, Ph.D., CSCS, *D, RSCC, to receive the 2023 National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Editorial Excellence Award.




博天堂官方入口登陆登录宣布成立新的运动表演学院, a partnership between the College of Health Sciences faculty and students and the university’s athletic programs. The 博天堂官方入口登陆登录体育表演学院 will also extend its reach to serve the surrounding community.

Sabrina Sieger


I wanted to further my education in the sport sciences and make myself a better resource for athletes. I chose the SPPC program at Carroll because I knew the faculty and because of this I was certain I would be given the opportunity to learn a lot, 无论是在课堂环境还是在实际环境中.

Being assigned a team and writing their strength and conditioning programming gave me a lot of responsibility and freedom to learn from my mistakes and successes along the way. It was a huge confidence booster – being able to use what you learned in class practically with teams and watching them become better athletes.

我有很多机会成为一名领导者, an assistant, a part of research, do athlete profile testing, 日常举重室和运动设施功能, 分配一个团队,并负责他们作为运动员的成长, 这是一个很大的、非常理想的实习选择, 甚至成为员工每周会议的一部分. Having all of these opportunities and being able to see all facets of human performance that a strength coach can be a part of helped me not only become more knowledgeable but helped me know where I would like to be and how I am going to make the biggest positive impact on athletes.

photo of Sabrina Sieger

Meet the Faculty

Human Performance Team

Peter Delzer, Carroll University

Peter Delzer

Mark Krzykowski,博天堂官方入口登陆登录

Mark Krzykowski

Associate Athletic Director
Shana McKeever, Carroll University

Shana McKeever

headshot of Jason Roe.

Jason Roe

Becca Saal, Carroll University

Rebecca Saal


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