Master of Science of Athletic Training

From the sidelines, to hospitals, theaters, military bases and more, 运动教练可以在越来越多的行业中找到. They are critical members of the healthcare team, helping prevent, 诊断和治疗损伤和慢性健康状况. 如果你是一名护理人员或对帮助他人过上更健康的生活感兴趣, more active and productive lives, this booming profession might be for you. 

Demand for athletic trainers has never been greater, with rising salaries, 许多企业为新员工提供签约奖金,美国劳工统计局预测,到本十年末,这一数字将增长23%. 无论运动员在哪里比赛,从青少年运动项目,都能找到运动教练, middle schools, 从高中到大学,再到大、小的职业联赛. 但这还远远不是全部——在医院里也能找到人工智能, medical clinics, occupational health departments, military bases, fire and police departments, even in the performing arts (have you seen ballet?)

Join us for an

Athletic Training
Skills Camp

This free event on July 11th will introduce you

Connect with Us

Grad Admission Counselor Brian Ish

Join us for an event! 与教师和研究生入学顾问Brian Ish进行一对一的交谈.


  • Thursday, June 27, 2024 - 3:00 PM - RSVP Here
  • Thursday, August 15, 2024 - 3:00 PM - RSVP Here
  • Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - 7:00 PM - RSVP Here
  • Thursday, November 14, 2024 - 11:30 AM - RSVP Here
  • Wednesday, January 22, 2025 - 3:00 PM - RSVP Here
  • Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 6:00 PM - RSVP Here
  • Wednesday, April 23, 2025 - 7:00 PM - RSVP Here

Graduate Programs Open House 

  • Thursday, July 25, 2024 - 6:00 PM - RSVP Here

Interested but unable to attend? Contact Brian Ish to learn more:
Email - | Call or text - 262-425-5696
Schedule an appointment:  Bookings Link

Become an Athletic Trainer

博天堂官方入口登陆登录的运动训练硕士课程将基础知识与现实世界相结合, practical experiences. 你将学习如何有效地为他人提供护理,因为你在各种环境中与不同年龄和能力的患者互动. 您将通过在全国各地的当地临床实习和实习机会的实践经验来应用您在课堂上学到的知识. 这种强化课程和临床实践经验的结合将使你成为一个全面的、知识渊博的医疗保健专业人士.

你的课堂体验将包括在最先进的迈克尔和玛丽·贾哈里斯科学实验室度过的时间, 包括在我们先进的尸体实验室对人体的研究. 虽然运动教练在外部工作,以预防和治疗伤害, 这个独特的机会为您提供了优秀的人体解剖学基础知识,并增加了您的资格和经验. 最后一个学期是14周的实习, 在哪里你会全身心投入到你的职业中. 我们的专业教师将帮助你选择一个实习,让你成功,最符合你的职业目标. 我们的学生在全国各地的高中工作过, rehabilitation clinics, Division I institutions, 职业棒球和表演艺术组织, among others. 当你开始找工作的时候,这些实践经验将帮助你扩展你的网络,并在专业社区建立联系.

有兴趣的学生可以通过浏览 MSAT Student Handbook. 值得注意的是,学生将负责交通和潜在的住房费用,而参加临床教育实习和实习.



– Brenden Shiroda

Read Brenden's story

Why Carroll?

  •  加速形式允许你在五年内完成学士和硕士学位.
  • 指导新技能(缝合、注射、静脉治疗、运动营养、拔罐等).).
  • 顶点设置学生的选择-教授与学生密切合作,以找到一个理想的适合.
  • 800小时临床经验,有骨科门诊经验, free clinic, 康复运动诊所和特殊人群的工作.
  • 专注于你的职业目标和有针对性的实践机会.
  • 通过博天堂官方入口登陆登录体育表演学院获得教育和实践机会.

Join a High Demand Field

Upon graduation, 你将准备好在各种领域工作(我们的首届MSAT课程达到了100%的通过率和100%的就业机会!):
  • Public and private secondary schools
  • Colleges and universities
  • Professional sports teams
  • Olympic teams
  • Youth and municipal athletics programs
  • Occupational health departments
  • Police and fire departments
  • Sports medicine clinics
  • Hospitals, emergency rooms and urgent care centers
  • Performing arts organizations




AATE logo.


Carroll University is a member of the Association for Athletic Training Education.

Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Clinic参加提供病人评估的诊所, 为瓦克夏社区提供康复和咨询服务.

“I chose the MSAT program at Carroll, because it aligned with my sports medicine interests, 它为我提供了基于我未来目标的个性化机会."

— Adam Boren
Read Adam's Story

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